The Munroe Falls Methodist Church was founded in 1825 as a Family
Chapel. In 1887, it was dedicated as a Methodist Episcopal Church.
In 1945, Zion EUB was founded in Cuyahoga Falls and a structure was
raised for worship. The two congregations merged and Twin
Falls United Methodist Church was born in 1968.
The newly-merged congregation built the present octagonal-shaped building in 1970.
Twin Falls is a member of the Canal District ~ East Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church.
Worship services are held each Sunday at 10:45 AM.
Mission Statement
“United in mission, with God being our helper, we will
Go in to the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Uphold one another.
Teach God’s word.
Serve our neighbor s with joy.”
Twin Falls United Methodist Church celebrates 50 years
The community has changed in many ways since Twin Falls first opened it’s doors at 60 North River Road. Celebrate a half of century of service and ministry to the families and friends of our town. Join us in worship and the many activities that are planned for this year.