Pastoral Ponderings- Son Spots—
This has been a great season for heavenly signs—first a great eclipse, now the Aurora Borealis visible across half the country, and even here in Ohio! And have you heard that even in OH we’re likely to see the Aurora Borealis more often in the coming year due to more sun spot action in the coming months?
I don’t know all the ins and outs of how it works— though I’ve heard it all comes about from action by the sun—something about CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections), whatever that means. I was disappointed to “only” see a colorless though dramatic gray sky, while some friends just down the road (Thanks Kelly!) got WONDERFUL shots with all the color and drama we often hear about.
I’m fascinated by the beauty of the event, that I’ve usually just seen on TV or in the movies. But though I don’t understand all the details of how they work, that the work from powerful stuff coming from the sun seems to be a wonderful parable of nature and our language working together. The sun sending out powerful bursts of energy brings beauty for those who have eyes to see—many don’t even look, or are unwilling to get in the right place at the right time to see.
Change one letter and you have a great image of what God does to send out great burst of His energy of grace that brings both beauty and great transforming power– The SON sending out powerful bursts of energy brings beauty for those who have eyes to see—many don’t even look, or are unwilling to get in the right place at the right time to see.
Lord, give us eyes to see the glorious signs of the power of what You keep sending out way in Jesus!